Aughton Hypnotherapy

Aughton Hypnotherapy

Helping you to grow towards the future you want

Sleep Better

We all know how much worse things feel when we don’t sleep, and how much better we do feel for having a good night’s sleep. When we sleep better, we know we wake feeling better, we make better decisions, think clearer, eat healthier, are in a better mood and generally feel better in ourselves.

So many of my clients come to see me saying that they don’t sleep well, have disturbed night’s sleep, often waking at 2, 3 or 4 am, struggle to get back to sleep if at all and feel lethargic when they do get up, often needing naps to get them through the day or rely on caffeine. This is one of the most common symptoms of stress and anxiety that I see.

Hypnotherapy can be very beneficial in helping you to get a better night’s sleep, regulate your pattern of sleep and improve your quality of sleep.

How I can help you to improve your sleep pattern by helping you to reduce your stress levels, aiding your ability to sleep better at night.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is wonderful at helping you to focus on the positive, not the negative, and the future, not the past. In turn, this reduces stress and aids sleep!

We need sleep to process the events and our thoughts of the day, when we don’t sleep well, it affects huge aspects of our lives, our ability to cope, our rational decision-making, our fertility, how we eat, our relationships, our immunity, how we cope with pain…the list goes on.

Studies show that when we don’t get our sleep, not only does our body suffer, but so does our brain, Matt Walker of “Why we Sleep” explains far better than I can why we need our sleep here: (his opening line: “Testicles, men who sleep 5 hours a night have significantly smaller testicles than those who sleep 7 hours or more.”)

For more information about how I can help you with sorting out your sleep issues don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

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